I'm in shock. I have to cheat at Go Fish to win. It's sad. I actually won. So what did I win? This nifty bento USB drive. It's 2 gigs! It's got food! I'm a happy girl. So how did I acquire this nifty prize? It started a long time ago. Oh yes, I am going way back. You see, when I was younger I hated boring lunches. I was always packing myself really quirky lunches of the style Sailor Jupiter did on Sailor Moon
Fast forward a few years to the point where blogs entered the scene. I had looked on the internet for bento sites and most were in Japanese. No help. Then there was a trickle, small at first, of bento enthusiast coming on to the scene. Cooking Cute was great while it lasted. A little more decorative than I wanted, but awesome and worth the look. Lunch in a Box is gigantic now compared to when I started reading it. Then there was Pikko's site. Adventures in Bentomaking was a simple blogger blog just like mine when it started. I was immediately attracted to her site because she mixed the simplicity I needed with cute touches I could handle. Her photos are awesome, too. She is honestly one of the few bento blogs I read regularly and there are tons of them now. It's very popular. Anyway, back to the contest.
Pikko has contests. I never win them, but it is always nice to participate. This one was no different. I leave comments occasionally anyway so it's not like I am saving myself from lurkerdom or something. However, I HAD to win this contest. The minute I saw it, it was meant to be. The question posed was great. I had a solid answer. I love USB gadgetry. I am a geek in the end. Luckily, Random.org was on my side. Then came the post. I had won. Where was I? Who knows. It took me a week to reply. That is what I get for slacking. I'm just so thrilled though. I can't wait! Woohoo! I will post pictures when I get it!
Congratulations Mimi! That's awesome. I never win anything either. But whenever I have won something, I *knew* I was going to win.
I can't wait to see the pics!
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