Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fun With Hair Clips

Fig 1. Just a few.
So, I have a lot of hair pieces. It started years ago with barrettes and fun clips til I was well into high school, then putting actual flowers in my hair every day. Then came fake flower clips. This lasted for a while and I lost a lot of them to random acts of silly. Then I started making them. Now: addiction.

I can be seasonal or match an outfit. I have to say I am a bit disgusted with it. I blame it on being someplace with not much to do.

Boredom  will do it, assuredly.

This box is what I have "acquired" this past 5 months. I don't  know what happened, but I think it started in a craft store. I slipped walking in and walked out with sass in feathers, paper, and yarn. Let me show you some of the ones I have done!

Look at all the feathers and clay and paper and yarn and more...
Just some of the ones I really like. All made by me.
 I will give you some close ups:
Close up of my "Carnival Mini Headpiece."

A perfectly placed pink jingle bell.

Origami lotus blossom. Polyurethaned, of course. I wear this most.

Fabric and feathers go so well.

I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my creations. I think hairpieces are a blast. I really do have a problem. Please let me know what you think! What kind of head gear do you like?
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